Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Things from scratch just taste so much better. Be it is hand picked blueberries in a pie or rolling your own pasta. Well, the following is a very simple recipe for some dynamite ribs that can be eaten right off the cutting board. enjoy!

Rib Rub:
4 tablespoon paprika
4 tablespoon smoked paprika
8 tablespoons of Steak Seasoning
4 tablespoon kosher salt
1 tablespoon Cayenne pepper
2 tablespoon tomato powder
2 tablespoon red chili powder
2 table spoon dry thyme

Two racks of large pork ribs. the meatier the better. Do not substitute baby back ribs.
Rub the racks liberally with the dry rub and rap the racks in alumni foil separately. Place the ribs (in foil) on a sheet pan and cook in the oven at 325 degrees F for 1 hour. Carefully remove from the oven and let cool for about ten min before removing from the foil. Save the juice that has accumulated on the sheet pan for your sauce.

all of the reserved pan juice
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup root beer
4 tablespoons sauce American (look it up)
4 tablespoons maple syrup

Bring all the ingredients to a boil and reduce until thick.
Bring it all home:
Grill the ribs on a med/high grill while continually basting with the sauce. I usually do about three flips with the cook time being about 3 min on each side. After about 15/20 min they are ready for the cutting board. umm

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