Monday, June 23, 2008

Lexington Market and the Baseball Sized Crab Cake

First things first... Baltimore is know for many things. The O's, Fells Point, the Inner Harbor and of course Crab. So it was only fitting that on Saturday that i headed to the one place on this earth that can make a authentic crab cake the size of my fist. For all of you that are not local, .. we are talking about Faidley's in Lexington Market.

You start off at the beer and oyster counter and proceed to pound down about 4 dozen large oysters and a dozen beers or so..( wife, 7 week old daughter and Twig) The traditional way, crackers, hot sauce, plastic forks and ice cold coors light. There are no stools so you are only as good as the beer buzzed legs you have beneath you so pace yourself. There are about five people working the counter (shucking, pouring beer, talking shit, laughing) and everyone of them is as old as dirt.

After a 20 min stop filling up on beer and oysters it was time to move up to the big game. Three crab cake platters, 1# steamed shrimp, a plate of deviled eggs and cans of Natty Boh. ( you know you are eating good in Bmore when they simply remove one can from the six pack ring and hand you the remaining five beers. That's how it is done "hon". ) Giant jumbo lump crab cakes with nuggets of crab falling out. (mustard is the local condiment but keep that crap away from my plate.)

The market is packed with people picking up supplies for the week and grabbing a hot Saturday lunch. Your choices are many but my advice is the only reason to stop there is for a pregame or lazy Saturday feeding.

We actually did not event cook dinner that night we were still so full. Check it out.

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